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Everything You Need to Know About Acacia Wood Outdoor Furniture

Everything You Need to Know About Acacia Wood Outdoor Furniture
By Jordan Henrie
November 22, 2022

When looking for outdoor furniture that looks fabulous without being fabulously expensive? Acacia wood may be your new best friend. 

Acacia wood is an excellent choice for outdoor furniture. It's resistant to water, rot, and insects, making it ideal for wet and dry climates. The price point is very reasonable, so you don't have to break the bank when you purchase new furnishings. So many styles are available, so you can find something that will fit your taste perfectly.

But don’t sprint for your credit card just yet — learning more about acacia wood furniture care and features is essential before you take the plunge. Here’s everything you need to know about acacia wood outdoor furniture. 


Acacia wood is a cheaper alternative to some other hardwoods and is an excellent option for those on a budget. 

Acacia is also more affordable than other hardwoods because it grows quickly and easily in regions with plenty of sun and water. Because of this, acacia wood is cheaper for manufacturers to harvest and use in their products while still maintaining high-quality standards. 

Acacia is perfect if you want the most bang for your buck when shopping for outdoor furniture that will last years.

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Acacia wood is a dependable hardwood that has been used to create outdoor furniture for hundreds of years. The acacia tree can sometimes reach heights of up to 60 meters and has a beautiful golden color, making the wood look elegant. 

Acacia hardwood is resistant to insects, rot, and decay because it contains natural oils that protect it from moisture damage and termites or other pests that may try to eat away at its structure over time.

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It's also very durable compared with other types of wood, such as cedar or teak — you won't have any problems using your acacia wood furniture outside.

This makes acacia one of our favorite types of material because when combined with traditional manufacturing techniques such as sanding down rough edges while leaving some character behind gives us something truly unique--and beautiful!

Acacia wood furniture

The texture of acacia wood makes for a soothing dining atmosphere


Growing acacia trees is sustainable due to the potential for carbon sequestration (i.e., capturing and storing carbon), and developers can harvest more than one product from the same tree.

Initially from regions of Africa and Australia — Acacia trees can grow in nearly every market in the world and is a fast-growing tree that regenerates after harvesting. 

Acacia doesn't need extensive pruning, so there's no need for pesticides or herbicides that can harm their surrounding environment. In addition, the trees grow naturally in the wild and are not endangered, so there are no restrictions on using this lumber.


We get it. You want your patio to reflect your individualism and unique sense of style. Acacia wood is a beautiful and versatile patio material thanks to its natural color, neutral tones, and grain patterns. 

You can also choose between the color of the wood and its natural or treated finish. Acacia is often stained to bring out its beautiful color, making it even more versatile for your patio.

Finally, acacia wood can be used in many ways: as an accent piece or mainstay of your outdoor space, indoors or out! You'll find that this material lends nicely to almost any style and design aesthetic: modern contemporary? Check! Rustic farmhouse? Check! Contemporary eclectic? Absolutely!

If you’re looking for a natural-looking wood that’s versatile and eco-friendly, acacia is a great choice for any home.

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Maintenance Tips

Acacia wood outdoor furniture
Acacia is also available in stately thick frames

You're probably sold on acacia wood with all its benefits, right? It is durable, sustainable, versatile, naturally water resistant, and — the cherry on top — requires little maintenance to keep it looking beautiful for years to come. Here are some of the basic maintenance tips you should know before you buy:

Clean Regularly

Want to keep your acacia wood looking pristine? Then you’ll need to be diligent about wiping down your patio furniture to eliminate dust. You should also avoid spilling liquids like alcohol or perfume on the wood since they can pull moisture out of it and make it crack.

Keep Your Furniture Away From Heat

Don’t even think about putting your pretty acacia furniture near a fireplace, heating vent, barbeque, or other heat sources. Acacia wood is susceptible to heat and can warp when in contact with high temperatures for too long.

Oil Your Furniture to Maintain the Color

If you love the color of your acacia furniture when you first buy it, you may want to rotate your furniture and oil it regularly; otherwise, it will eventually turn gray. Choosing not to oil your acacia furniture won’t affect the integrity of the wood, but it can change the look).

Acacia Wood Is A Wonderful Choice

Acacia wood chairs and dogs

As you can see, acacia wood is a beautiful choice for indoor and outdoor furniture. It’s naturally water resistant and durable, so it will last many years, even if exposed to the elements. It’s also versatile enough to use in multiple furniture styles without worrying about compatibility issues.

All this means that your investment will pay off over time — and with proper maintenance tips like regularly oiling, regularly cleaning, and keeping away from heat sources like fire pits or overhead lights, this type of furniture can last forever!
